EMIS Online Record Access and NHS APP Setup

Online Record access is changing!
From April 2022 the way online record access is switched on for patients will be changing. We’ll update our guidance as soon as more information is released. For all the current information, click the link below to visit the NHS X website.
Online Record access is a hot topic!

I wonder how many times you’ve been asked about online record access this week? This month?
As a training team we’ve certainly noticed an increase in enquires for help and training on the subject.
I imagine a lot of this has come from the introduction of “Vaccination Passports” earlier this year, and since then the issue has rumbled on with many off-shoots and updates.
As a practice, are you comfortable with how to setup online record access, and whether you need to do anything differently for the NHS APP?
If not, read on, as the NECS Clinical Systems training team have pooled together all our current knowledge and added it all to a handy 30 min video for you to watch whenever you’re ready.
In the video we hope to give you some hints and tips on how you set up your unit for online access, how to register your patients for full record access and what differs for NHS APP access.
In the training video we will talk about:
The video is now available to watch through our EMIS training group. If you haven’t already you will need to join the group which will not only grant you access to this video, but hundreds of guides and quick cards on a range of subjects. Its a great place to see all of our upcoming live training sessions and to see future videos as they’re produced.
Please note: Unfortunately, the content in our group is currently only available for CCGs and other organisations who commission IT Training services from NECS. However, we can deliver chargeable clinical systems and applications training to both private and other public sector bodies. If this is of interest to you, please email necsu.learning@nhs.net
Any questions?
If you still have questions after watching the video, or you’d like a trainer to help you 1:1 with your online access setup, please contact the Training team through the NECSU IT Helpdesk on 0300 5550340 or email necs.servicedesk@nhs.net
Please note: all the information in this article and in the video are correct as of August 2021.
Here are some useful links:
Useful technical issues regarding the NHS APP and updates to functionality
General info about using the NHS APP:
GP Contract
Help for patients using Patient Access