Heartbeat Alliance


To assess the effectiveness of this service, the Clinical Service Manager enlisted the NECS Primary Care Data Quality (PCDQ) Team for help. The objective was to generate comprehensive appointment reports using SystmOne and EMIS Web clinical systems. These reports were crucial for demonstrating the service’s impact and value.

The PCDQ Team supported the creation of these reports to ensure accurate monthly statistics, highlighting the advantages and effectiveness of the ‘Better Access’ service.

A woman is holding a baby while another person is holding a syringe

Clinical Service Manager

Heartbeat Alliance

I have had the privilege of working with NECS training team, specifically Henny and Tawnie. Having a certain degree of knowledge in building reports and interpreting results to then requiring extraction of additional information, I sought the expert help of Henny who understood my starting point and what I needed. We worked together on Teams to find the solution, sometimes through trial and error. Henny’s knowledge of report building in both EMIS and SystmOne is second to none and a fabulous skill to offer. Thank you.

The challenge

The challenge

Initial Setup and Collaboration: Heartbeat Alliance needed assistance with generating comprehensive appointment reports. To address this, two training sessions were arranged via Microsoft Teams, where Heartbeat Alliance shared their clinical systems with the PCDQ Team for collaborative problem-solving.

Existing Report Limitations: Heartbeat Alliance had already developed some appointment reports in their clinical systems, but these reports did not display expected results.

SystmOne Reports: During the first training session, the focus was on exploring and re-purposing existing reports within SystmOne. The challenge was to optimise these reports to capture all relevant data for effective analysis.

EMIS Reports: The second training session addressed functionality with EMIS Web. The goal was to transition from using the standard Appointment Reporting area to the more versatile Population Reporting area, which was better suited for including all necessary details in the reports.


A Woman in White Long Sleeves Typing on Her Laptop

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