What is this course about?
This course is aimed at those GDPs who are interested in applying to become Educational Supervisors for Dental Foundation Training or Dental Therapy Foundation Training in the Directorate of Multi-Disciplinary Dental Education in NHS England Workforce, Training & Education Northeast and North Cumbria. It is a compulsory requirement for those intending to submit an application. The content comprises of an overview of the ‘nuts and bolts’ of what is required and expected of Educational Supervisors and what assessment processes are involved.
Learning objectives
- Describe the core documentation required in Dental Foundation Training
- Describe the current assessment tools used in Dental Foundation Training as part of satisfactory completion
- Describe the essential requirements of a training practice
- Outline the pairing process for Foundation Dentists recruitment
- Discuss the relevance of the electronic portfolio and how it should be used for reflection
- Give an account of an Educational Supervisor’s role and responsibilities in Dental Foundation Training
- Give an account of how Foundation Dentists (FDs) are paid, and the potential financial and other benefits to a training practice
- Give an account of the essential attributes of an Educational Supervisor and describe the selection process for these
- Give an overview of the structure and function of Dental Foundation Training in the Directorate
CPD information
GDC Development Outcome B
CPD: 2 hours