NECS Project Managers Guide to Minimum Standards


September 6, 2024
1:00 pm - 2:30 pm
35 spaces left



Contact details: OD Events @


Who is the course for?

  • Individuals involved in the management or delivery of any project across NECS, who requires an understanding of the requirements set out in the NECS Project Minimum Standards, associated documentation (Centre of Excellence (CoE)) and assurance processes.
  • Participants must have prior knowledge and/or experience of Project Management methodologies – if this is not the case then consider either the ‘Introduction to Project Management Fundamentals’ or ‘Project Management Workshop’ before attending this session.


  • Provide guidance on the resources, tools, and templates available to support the delivery of projects in line with NECS Project Management Approach & Quality Standards, through the practical application of the Delivery Tool Workbook [CoE30/31].
  • Overview of the Project Management Centre of Excellence.
  • The interactive nature of the workshop will also give participants an opportunity to discuss any documentation required for any live projects they are working on.


  • Through a practical demonstration of the NECS Project Management Minimum Standards, participants will develop an understanding of NECS Project Management Approach, quality standards and assurance requirements.

If you require any reasonable adjustments or accessibility support as part of the session, please let us know as soon as possible, or where possible a minimum of 2 weeks in advance of the training date. This is to ensure that where feasible, appropriate accommodations can be put in place. If you have any concerns or queries in addition to this, then please contact the trainer/facilitator directly for a discussion.  Please contact 

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