How NHS Users can open Microsoft Forms

Microsoft Forms logo

What is Microsoft Forms?

Microsoft Forms is a forms builder that is very simple to use. It is being gradually rolled out in 2023 across NHS organisations in the North of England.

Where can I access the Forms App?

There are several possible ways and each has it’s own functionality. Please note the following options will only be accessible to you if Forms has been enabled for your organisation. For support with this, contact the NECS Service Desk.


Open Forms by logging into with your NHSMail credentials and selecting Forms from the App launcher.

One way to open Forms is from
The Forms App can be accessed from

Create Forms in Excel Online from

Once logged into with your NHSMail credentials, you will notice Forms is on the Insert tab. From here you can create Forms where the results are linked to an Excel Spreadsheet stored online in your OneDrive account.

Excel online can be accessed at and Forms is on the Insert tab
Excel Online via has Forms on the Insert tab

For an excellent step by step guide on the above two methods, see this webpage with video by online trainer Leila Gharani.

Create a Poll (which uses Microsoft Forms) within a Teams Channel or Group Chat

It is possible to poll everyone in a Teams Group Chat or Teams Channel. Here is an image showing how Forms can be accessed from the ellipsis menu or the three dots at the bottom of the screen in Teams.

Polls can be created using the Forms app from within a Teams Group Chat or to all members of a Channel
Polls can be created using the Forms app from within a Teams Group Chat or to all members of a Channel

Create a Poll for everyone in a Teams Meeting

Likely the best of all, Forms is available within Microsoft Teams Meetings.

The Meeting Organizer and Presenters can create Polls for all meeting attendees. The Forms app is available from the plus sign at the top of the Meeting Details window.

The following is an example of a Poll which could be used as an ice breaker at the beginning of a meeting.

A Poll can be created for everyone in a Teams Meeting
A Poll can be created for everyone in a Teams Meeting

After clicking the Launch button, the Poll is live and meeting attendees will see the Poll in a meeting pop up window or they can access it in the meeting chat window as pictured below.

Polls can be created in Teams Meetings

Where can I find Step by Step Guidance?

The following articles from Microsoft support give step by step guidance.

  1. Poll attendees during a Teams meeting
  2. Add a poll to your Teams channel or chat

Future blogs on this site will provide detailed steps, best practice suggestions and how-to videos.

Want to learn more about Teams? Why not book on one of our Teams courses or watch a pre-recorded session? Join the NECS Learning Site’s Teams group for more details: