Excel – An Introduction


July 24, 2024
9:30 am - 10:30 am
11 spaces left



Contact details: Paul Atwell @ paul.atwell1@nhs.net


A beginner’s guide to the spreadsheet application: Microsoft Excel.

PLEASE NOTE: This is the 1st course in a suggested series of the 14 Excel sessions available.

Course outline

  • The difference between a Workbook and a Worksheet
    • Navigation between worksheets
    • Using the Zoom control
  • Identifying cells and the Active cell
    • What is the Active cell?
    • Methods of moving the Active cell
  • How large is a worksheet?
  • Entering data
  • Selecting cell ranges
  • Changing font characteristics
  • Adjusting cell alignment
  • Cut, Copy and Paste methods
    • The Undo and Redo commands
  • Adjusting column widths and row heights
  • Using mathematics in Excel
  • Formatting data as an Excel Table
  • Workbook manipulation
    • Adding a new worksheet
    • Renaming, moving, copying a worksheet
    • Deleting a worksheet
    • Changing the colour of a worksheet tab

The session will take between 45-55 minutes to complete and is followed by a Q & A which is optional to attend.

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