Excel – Introduction to XLOOKUP


August 13, 2024
1:30 pm - 2:15 pm
5 spaces left



Contact details: Paul Atwell @ paul.atwell1@nhs.net


Demonstration of the XLOOKUP function, used in place of the functions VLOOKUP and HLOOKUP, both of which have their limitations.

A good to advanced working knowledge of Excel. Ideally, previous use of the VLOOKUP function.
PLEASE NOTE: This is the 11th course in a suggested series of the 14 Excel sessions available.

Course outline

  • Using XLOOKUP instead of
  • Creating a two-way lookup with XLOOKUP
  • Overcoming limitations of VLOOKUP
  • Returning multiple results with a single XLOOKUP
  • Using XLOOKUP to find the nearest match

The session will take between 30-40 minutes to complete and is followed by a Q & A which is optional to attend.

Number of Spaces

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