Excel – Building Dashboards


August 20, 2024
9:30 am - 10:30 am
13 spaces left



Contact details: Paul Atwell @ paul.atwell1@nhs.net


How to build a dashboard using PivotTables, PivotCharts, Slicers and Timelines.

An advanced working knowledge of Excel. Ideally, previous attendance of “Introduction to PivotTables“, “PivotTables Extended“, “Introduction to Creating Charts” and “PivotCharts” courses or equivalent experience.
PLEASE NOTE: This is the 14th course in a suggested series of the 14 Excel sessions available.

Course outline

  • What is a dashboard?
  • Planning for your dashboard
    • Formatting the raw data
    • What do you want from the raw data?
  • Creating the dashboard
  • Filtering the data
    • Using a Slicer
    • Using a Timeline
    • Linking to multiple PivotTables
  • Tidying the screen for the final dashboard
  • Ensuring dashboard is up-to-date

The session will take between 45-55 minutes to complete and is followed by a Q & A which is optional to attend.

Number of Spaces

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