New Clinician Training
A place for new clinician training videos. Please note you must be registered on the site to gain... View more
This course is an introduction to EMIS Web for Registrars, F2s and junior doctors starting work at a GP Practice. If you’d like some time with an EMIS trainer after watching the registrar training video, please book onto one of the EMIS Registrar Q + A sessions.
A recorded training video, demonstrating EMIS Web clinician skills using a training GP unit. Watch when you want, where you want!
Areas covered:
- Logging on and off
- Overview of the home page
- Searching for a patient
- Navigating around the patient record
- Creating Tasks and using the Task Workflow
- Recording a consultation
- Amending or deleting previously recorded data
- Viewing current and past medication in the patient record
- Adding and printing a Medication
- Amending, Re-authorising and ending medication
- Completing a medication review